Academic Support Consulting
What is Academic Support?
The term Academic Support may refer to a wide variety of instructional methods, educational services, or school resources provided in the effort to help accelerate learning progress, meet learning standards . Academic support is always student centered enrichment programs, which provide higher academic results or trends. While the design and purpose of academic-support programs may vary widely from institution to institution as per their need and requirement.
What Knowledge Heads offers?
Knowledge Heads Academic support encompasses a broad array of Educational strategies, Curriculum Design ,Program implementation, Evaluation and assessment, Documentation, Class room management, Learners’ enrichment programme, Resource management, IT consulting, Innovative practices , Vacation-break strategies , Skill-based support , ,Club tutoring sessions, Supplemental courses, Summer learning experiences, Teacher advisors, and Volunteer mentors, as well as alternative ways of Grouping, Counseling, and Instructing students. The general intent of these strategies is to improve the performance of institution/college, the effectiveness of teachers, and the learning of students.
How can we help you?
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